Tool Options Bar
Many of the tools in Graphic have customizable settings that allow you to adjust their behavior. The settings for the currently selected tool appear in the Tool Options bar above the Canvas.

Selected Tool - The name of the currently selected tool appears on the left side of the Tool Options bar.
Selection Properties - The Selection Properties are shown to the right of tool’s name. When no objects are selected, this indicator simply displays the X and Y position of the mouse on the Canvas. When one or more objects are selected, this displays the location and the size of the bounding box surrounding the current selection.
Selected Tool Settings - The settings for the currently selected tool are displayed to the right of the Selection Properties.
For selection tools, including the Move tool and the Path Selection tool, this area will display additional information about the current selection.
For drawing tools, this area will display settings that can be used to customize the objects that are created by that tool.
For editing tools, such as the Rotate tool and the Scale tool, this area will contain controls that allow you to numerically apply the effect of the tool.
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