## Document Tabs Rather than require you to constantly swap between many scattered windows – one for each open document – Graphic uses an elegant tab-based interface for switching between open documents. Document tabs are shown in the Tab bar (directly below the Tool Options bar). Each open document is represented by a tab, with the current document shown as a lighter-colored ‘selected‘ tab. (image: documenttabs1.jpg width: 750) #### Switching Between Documents You can switch between open documents by clicking on a particular document’s tab in the Tab bar. The clicked document is then selected and shown in the Canvas area of the document window. Alternatively, you can use the **Control** - **Tab** keyboard shortcut to quickly switch between tabs. (image: documenttabs2.jpg width: 750) The documents pop-up menu can also be used to switch between open documents. Access the pop-up by clicking on the double-arrow button on the right side of the Tab bar. #### Closing Documents You can close any open document by clicking on the close button (**×**) in its tab. Choose **File > Close Document** [**⌘** - **W**] from the menu bar to close the active document. Choose **File > Close Window** [**⇧** - **⌘** - **W**] from the menu bar to close all opened documents.

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