
### _subclass of (link: plugins/api/shape text: **Shape**)_ A text shape object.   _Text_ - (link: plugins/api/textshape#attributedString text: **attributedString**) - (link: plugins/api/textshape#string text: **string**) _Layout_ - (link: plugins/api/textshape#textBoxBounds text: **textBoxBounds**) - (link: plugins/api/textshape#sizetofit text: **sizeToFit**) _Type_ - (link: plugins/api/textshape#type text: **type**) ## attributedString ### _returns **NSAttributedString**_; _settable_ Gets / Sets the shape's text using an NSAttributedString representation.   #### Example: if the frontmost selected shape is a text shape, change its font to 32pt Arial ``` var shape = [[[app activeDocument] selectedShapes] lastObject] if(shape && [shape type] == "textShape") { var font = [NSFont fontWithName:"Arial" size:32] var dict = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObject:font forKey:NSFontAttributeName] var str = [[NSAttributedString alloc] initWithString:[shape string] attributes:dict] shape.attributedString = str [str release] } ``` ## sizeToFit Resizes the text shape's bounding box to fit its text.   #### Example: update the bounds of the selected text shapes to fit their text ``` var shapes = [[app activeDocument] selectedShapes] for(var i = 0; i < [shapes count]; i++) { var shape = shapes[i] if([shape type] == "textShape") [shape sizeToFit] } ``` ## string ### _returns **String**_ Gets a string representation of the shape's text. Use the (link: plugins/api/textshape#attributedString text: **attributedString**) property to modify the shape's text or text style.   #### Example: if the frontmost selected shape is a text shape, show an alert with its text string ``` var shape = [[[app activeDocument] selectedShapes] lastObject] if(shape && [shape type] == "textShape") [app showAlert:[shape string]] ``` ## textBoxBounds ### _returns **CGRect**_; _settable_ Gets / Sets the text layout bounds of the shape. The text is wrapped inside this bounds.   #### Example: if the frontmost selected shape is a text shape, set its text bounds to 200 x 400 px ``` var doc = [app activeDocument] var shape = [[doc selectedShapes] lastObject] if(shape && [shape type] == "textShape") { var textBounds = [shape textBoxBounds] textBounds.size.width = 200 textBounds.size.height = 400 shape.textBoxBounds = textBounds } ``` ## type ### _returns **String**_ Gets the type of this shape - _**"textShape"**_  

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