
A document object. Each document maintains a list of layers, selection state, and set of alignment guides. Several functions are available for exporting various types of data.   The document object is also the constructor for new (link: plugins/api/color text: **Color**), (link: plugins/api/gradient text: **Gradient**), (link: plugins/api/image text: **Image**), and (link: plugins/api/path text: **Path**) attribute objects.   _Layers_ - (link: plugins/api/document#layers text: **layers**) - (link: plugins/api/document#activeLayer text: **activeLayer**) - (link: plugins/api/document#addLayer text: **addLayer**) _Selections_ - (link: plugins/api/document#selection text: **selection**) - (link: plugins/api/document#selectedShapes text: **selectedShapes**) - (link: plugins/api/document#selectedLayers text: **selectedLayers**) _Creating Attributes_ - (link: plugins/api/document#addColor text: **addColor**) - (link: plugins/api/document#addColorWithRedgreenbluealpha text: **addColorWithRed: green: blue: alpha:**) - (link: plugins/api/document#addGradient text: **addGradient**) - [**addImage:**](document#addImage) - (link: plugins/api/document#addPath text: **addPath**) _Canvas_ - (link: plugins/api/document#canvasSize text: **canvasSize**) _Alignment Guides_ - (link: plugins/api/document#alignmentGuides text: **alignmentGuides**) - (link: plugins/api/document#addAlignmentGuide text: **addAlignmentGuide**) _Exporting_ - [**exportImage:**](document#exportImage) - (link: plugins/api/document#exportPDF text: **exportPDF:**) - (link: plugins/api/document#exportSVG text: **exportSVG:**) - [**exportImage: forShapes:**](document#exportImageforShapes) - (link: plugins/api/document#exportPDFforShapes text: **exportPDF: forShapes:**) - (link: plugins/api/document#exportSVGforShapes text: **exportSVG: forShapes:**) ## activeLayer ### _returns (link: plugins/api/layer text: **Layer**)_ Gets the currently active layer. The active layer is the selected layer with the highest index. This is also the layer used by the drawing tools when drawing new shapes.   #### Example: move the active layer to the bottom of the layers list ``` var layer = [[app activeDocument] activeLayer] [layer moveToIndex:0] ``` ## addAlignmentGuide ### _returns (link: plugins/api/document#aguide text: **AlignmentGuide**)_ Gets the array of the document's alignment guides.   #### Example: create a new vertical alignment guide ``` var guide = [[app activeDocument] addAlignmentGuide] guide.orientation = "vertical" guide.location = 40 ``` ## addColor ### _returns (link: plugins/api/color text: **Color**)_ Creates and returns a new color object.   #### Example: set the stroke color and width of the selected shapes ``` var doc = [app activeDocument] var shapes = [doc selectedShapes] var color = [doc addColor] = 255 = 64 = 64 color.alpha = 0.75 for(var i = 0; i < [shapes count]; i++) { var stroke = [(shapes[i]) stroke] stroke.color = color stroke.width = 8 } ``` ## addColorWithRed: green: blue: alpha: ### _returns (link: plugins/api/color text: **Color**)_; _input **Integer**_; _input **Integer**_; _input **Integer**_; _input **Float**_ Creates and returns a new color object with the given RGB and alpha values. Each RGB component is an integer value between 0-255 and alpha is a float value between 0-1.   #### Example: set the stroke color and width of the selected shapes ``` var doc = [app activeDocument] var shapes = [doc selectedShapes] var color = [doc addColorWithRed:255 green:64 blue:64 alpha:0.75] for(var i = 0; i < [shapes count]; i++) { var stroke = [(shapes[i]) stroke] stroke.color = color stroke.width = 8 } ``` ## addGradient ### _returns (link: plugins/api/gradient text: **Gradient**)_ Creates and returns a new gradient object. The gradient is initialized with two color stops, white at location 0 and black at location 1.   #### Example: create a new gradient and set it as the fill of the frontmost selected object ``` var doc = [app activeDocument] var shape = [[doc selectedShapes] lastObject] if(shape) { var gradient = [doc addGradient] var colorStops = [gradient stops] var clr1 = [doc addColorWithRed:0 green:128 blue:255 alpha:0.25] var clr2 = [doc addColorWithRed:0 green:128 blue:255 alpha:1] colorStops[0].color = clr1 colorStops[1].color = clr2 [shape fill].gradient = gradient } ``` ## addImage: ### _returns (link: plugins/api/image text: **Image**)_; _input **CGImage**_ Creates and returns a new image object based on the passed-in CGImage. Imports the image data from the CGImage and saves it in the document. _Note: this function should not be used for real-time image previews or called continuously with updated image data. The image data is directly added to the document and saved to disk._   #### Example: display the Open Panel to import an image file, and set the imported image as the frontmost shape's fill ``` var doc = [app activeDocument] var shape = [[doc selectedShapes] lastObject] var openPanel = [NSOpenPanel openPanel] openPanel.allowedFileTypes = ["png", "jpg"] if(shape && [openPanel runModal]) { var fileURL = [openPanel URL] var imgSrc = CGImageSourceCreateWithURL(fileURL, nil) if(imgSrc) { var cgImg = CGImageSourceCreateImageAtIndex(imgSrc, 0, nil); if(cgImg) [shape fill].image = [doc addImage:cgImg] CGImageRelease(cgImg) CFRelease(imgSrc); } } ``` ## addLayer ### _returns (link: plugins/api/layer text: **Layer**)_ Creates and returns a new layer object. The new layer becomes the active selected layer.   #### Example: create a new layer and move the selected objects to the layer ``` var doc = [app activeDocument] var shapes = [doc selectedShapes] var newLayer = [doc addLayer] for(var i = 0; i < [shapes count]; i++) { var shape = shapes[i] [shape moveToParent:newLayer] } ``` ## addPath ### _returns (link: plugins/api/path text: **Path**)_ Creates and returns a new path object.   #### Example: create a triangle path and use it create a new path shape ``` var doc = [app activeDocument] var path = [doc addPath] [path addMoveTo:CGPointMake(25, 150)] [path addLineTo:CGPointMake(75, 50)] [path addLineTo:CGPointMake(125, 150)] [path addClose] [[doc activeLayer] addPathShape:path] ``` ## alignmentGuides ### _returns **Array**_ Gets the array of the document's alignment guides.   #### Example: offset each alignment guide's location by 10 pixels ``` var guides = [[app activeDocument] alignmentGuides] for(var i = 0; i < [guides count]; i++) { var guide = guides[i] guide.location = [guide location] + 10 } [[app view] redraw] ``` ## exportImage: ### _returns **CGImage**_; _input **NSDictionary**_ Creates and returns an exported CGImage representation of the entire design. The input dictionary is optional and can be _nil_; Optional input keys and values: _"**scale**": **Float**; the export scale factor_ _"**includeBackground**": **Boolean**; option to include the canvas background and grid_ ## exportPDF: ### _returns **NSData**_; _input **NSDictionary**_ Creates and returns an NSData object containing a PDF data representation of the entire design. The input dictionary is optional and can be _nil_; Optional input keys and values: _"**scale**": **Float**; the export scale factor_ _"**rasterScale**": **Float**; the scale factor of embedded images_ _"**includeBackground**": **Boolean**; option to include the canvas background and grid_ ## exportSVG: ### _returns **String**_; _input **NSDictionary**_ Creates and returns a String object containing an SVG representation of the entire design. The input dictionary is optional and can be _nil_; Optional input keys and values: _"**scale**": **Float**; the export scale factor_ _"**rasterScale**": **Float**; the scale factor of embedded images_ _"**convertToSRGB**": **Boolean**; option to convert colors to sRGB_ _"**includeBackground**": **Boolean**; option to include the canvas background and grid_ ## exportImage: forShapes: ### _returns **CGImage**_; _input **NSDictionary**_; _input **Array**_ Creates and returns an exported CGImage representation of the passed-in shapes array. The input dictionary is optional and can be _nil_; Optional input key and value: _"**scale**": **Float**; the export scale factor_   #### Example: create a new document containing an exported image of the current selection ``` var shapes = [[app activeDocument] selectedShapes] var img = [[app activeDocument] exportImage:nil forShapes:shapes] if(img) { var doc = [app addDocument] var newImage = [doc addImage:img] var size = CGSizeMake(CGImageGetWidth(img), CGImageGetHeight(img)) // create a new path with the image bounds var path = [doc addPath] [path addMoveTo:CGPointMake(0, 0)] [path addLineTo:CGPointMake(size.width, 0)] [path addLineTo:CGPointMake(size.width, size.height)] [path addLineTo:CGPointMake(0, size.height)] [path addClose] // create a new path shape and set the image fill var shape = [[doc activeLayer] addPathShape:path] [shape fill].image = newImage [shape stroke].width = 0 doc.canvasSize = size [[app view] resetZoom] } ``` ## exportPDF: forShapes: ### _returns **NSData**_; _input **NSDictionary**_; _input **Array**_ Creates and returns an NSData object containing a PDF data representation of the passed-in shapes array. The input dictionary is optional and can be _nil_; Optional input keys and values: _"**scale**": **Float**; the export scale factor_ _"**rasterScale**": **Float**; the scale factor of embedded images_   #### Example: copies the selected shapes as PDF data to the clipboard, embedding image fills at 300 DPI ``` var doc = [app activeDocument] var shapes = [doc selectedShapes] if([shapes count] > 0) { var options = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObject:(300.0/72) forKey:"rasterScale"] var pdfData = [doc exportPDF:options forShapes:shapes] var pboard = [NSPasteboard generalPasteboard] [pboard declareTypes:[NSArray arrayWithObject:NSPasteboardTypePDF] owner:nil]; [pboard setData:pdfData forType:NSPasteboardTypePDF] } ``` ## exportSVG: forShapes: ### _returns **String**_; _input **NSDictionary**_; _input **Array**_ Creates and returns a String object containing an SVG representation of the passed-in shapes array. The input dictionary is optional and can be _nil_; Optional input keys and values: _"**scale**": **Float**; the export scale factor_ _"**rasterScale**": **Float**; the scale factor of embedded images_ _"**convertToSRGB**": **Boolean**; option to convert colors to sRGB_   #### Example: copies the selected shapes as an SVG string to the clipboard at 2x scale ``` var doc = [app activeDocument] var shapes = [doc selectedShapes] if([shapes count] > 0) { var options = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObject:2 forKey:"scale"] var svgStr = [doc exportSVG:options forShapes:shapes] var pboard = [NSPasteboard generalPasteboard] [pboard clearContents] [pboard writeObjects:[NSArray arrayWithObject:svgStr]] } ``` ## canvasSize ### _returns **CGSize**_; _settable_ Gets / Sets the size of the document's canvas.   #### Example: create a new document with the same canvas size as the current document ``` var doc = [app activeDocument] var size = [doc canvasSize] var newDoc = [app addDocument] newDoc.canvasSize = size [[app view] resetZoom] ``` ## layers ### _returns **Array**_ Gets the array of the document's layers.   #### Example: renames all of the current document's layers ``` var doc = [app activeDocument] var layers = [doc layers] for(var i = 0; i < [layers count]; i++) layers[i].name = "Layer " + (i + 1) ``` ## selectedLayers ### _returns **Array**_ Gets the array of selected layers.   #### Example: duplicate the currently selected layers ``` var doc = [app activeDocument] var layers = [doc selectedLayers] var newLayers = [NSMutableArray array] for(var i = 0; i < [layers count]; i++) { var layer = layers[i] [newLayers addObject:[layer duplicate]] } // select the newly created layers for(var i = 0; i < [newLayers count]; i++) newLayers[i].selected = true ``` ## selectedShapes ### _returns **Array**_ Gets the array of selected shapes. This will include the selected shapes across all selected layers.   #### Example: create a new layer and move the selected objects to the layer ``` var doc = [app activeDocument] var shapes = [doc selectedShapes] var newLayer = [doc addLayer] for(var i = 0; i < [shapes count]; i++) { var shape = shapes[i] [shape moveToParent:newLayer] } ``` ## selection ### _returns (link: plugins/api/selection text: **Selection**)_ Gets the document's selection object. This object can be used to apply transforms on the current shape selection.   #### Example: rotate the current selection by 45 degrees. ``` var doc = [app activeDocument] var selection = [doc selection] [selection rotate:45] ```
# AlignmentGuide An alignment guide object. New alignment guides can be created using the **Document's** (link: plugins/api/document#addAlignmentGuide text: **addAlignmentGuide**) function. Alignment guides can be removed using each object's (link: plugins/api/document#remove text: **remove**) function. _Settings_ - (link: plugins/api/document#location text: **location**) - (link: plugins/api/document#orientation text: **orientation**) _Remove_ - (link: plugins/api/document#remove text: **remove**) ## location ### _returns **Float**_; _settable_ Gets / Sets the location of the alignment guide.   #### Example: create six horizontal alignment guides spaced every 100 pixels ``` for(var i = 1; i <= 6; i++) { var guide = [[app activeDocument] addAlignmentGuide] guide.orientation = "horizontal" guide.location = i * 100 } ``` ## orientation ### _returns **String**_; _settable_ Gets / Sets the orientation of the alignment guide. Possible values are "horizontal" or "vertical".   #### Example: create an alignment guide on each side of the selection's bounding box ``` var doc = [app activeDocument] var selection = [doc selection] if([[selection shapes] count] > 0) { var bounds = [selection bounds] var guide = [doc addAlignmentGuide] guide.orientation = "vertical" guide.location = bounds.origin.x guide = [doc addAlignmentGuide] guide.orientation = "vertical" guide.location = bounds.origin.x + bounds.size.width guide = [doc addAlignmentGuide] guide.orientation = "horizontal" guide.location = bounds.origin.y guide = [doc addAlignmentGuide] guide.orientation = "horizontal" guide.location = bounds.origin.y + bounds.size.height } ``` ## remove Removes the alignment guide from the document.   #### Example: remove all of the alignment guides in the current document ``` var guides = [[app activeDocument] alignmentGuides] for(var i = 0; i < [guides count]; i++) [(guides[i]) remove] ```

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