
An RGB color object. New colors can be created using a **Document's** (link: api/document#addColor text: **addColor**) or (link: api/document#addColorWithRedgreenbluealpha text: **addColorWithRed: green: blue: alpha:**) functions.   _Components_ - (link: api/color#red text: **red**) - (link: api/color#green text: **green**) - (link: api/color#blue text: **blue**) - (link: api/color#alpha text: **alpha**) _Creating Copies_ - (link: api/color#duplicate text: **duplicate**) ## alpha ### _returns **Float**_; _settable_ Gets / Sets the alpha component of the color. The alpha value is a float between 0 and 1. ## blue ### _returns **Integer**_; _settable_ Gets / Sets the blue component of the color. RGB components are integers between 0 and 255. ## green ### _returns **Integer**_; _settable_ Gets / Sets the green component of the color. RGB components are integers between 0 and 255. ## red ### _returns **Integer**_; _settable_ Gets / Sets the red component of the color. RGB components are integers between 0 and 255. ## duplicate ### _returns (link: api/color text: **Color**)_ Creates and returns a duplicate of this color object.  

Next: Gradient