
### _subclass of (link: plugins/api/shape text: **Shape**)_ A shape group object. Although a shape group is a subclass of (link: plugins/api/shape text: **Shape**), it is actually a container of multiple shape objects.   _Shapes_ - (link: plugins/api/shapegroup#shapes text: **shapes**) _Creating Shapes_ - (link: plugins/api/shapegroup#addPathShape text: **addPathShape:**) - (link: plugins/api/shapegroup#addTextShape text: **addTextShape:**) - (link: plugins/api/shapegroup#groupShapes text: **groupShapes:**) _Type_ - (link: plugins/api/shapegroup#type text: **type**) ## addPathShape: ### _returns (link: plugins/api/pathshape text: **PathShape**)_; _input (link: plugins/api/path text: **Path**)_ Creates and returns a new path shape, adding it to the group.   #### Example: create a triangle path shape ``` var doc = [app activeDocument] var path = [doc addPath] [path addMoveTo:CGPointMake(25, 150)] [path addLineTo:CGPointMake(75, 50)] [path addLineTo:CGPointMake(125, 150)] [path addClose] [[doc activeLayer] addPathShape:path] ``` ## addTextShape: ### _returns (link: plugins/api/textshape text: **TextShape**)_; _input **NSAttributedString**_ Creates and returns a new text shape, adding it to the group.   #### Example: create a text shape styled with a 24pt system bold font ``` var layer = [[app activeDocument] activeLayer] var font = [NSFont boldSystemFontOfSize:24] var dict = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObject:font forKey:NSFontAttributeName] var str = [[NSAttributedString alloc] initWithString:"Hello World!" attributes:dict] var textShape = [layer addTextShape:str] textShape.position = CGPointMake(120, 100) [str release] ``` ## groupShapes: ### _returns (link: plugins/api/shapegroup text: **Shape Group**)_; _input **Array**_ Creates and returns a new Shape Group object containing all of the shapes in the passed-in array. The shapes are moved within the group. The input shapes must already be direct descendants of the target group when this function is called.   #### Example: create a group containing all of the shapes in the active layer ``` var layer = [[app activeDocument] activeLayer] var shapes = [layer shapes] [layer groupShapes:shapes] ``` ## shapes ### _returns **Array**_ Gets the array of shapes in the group.   #### Example: rotate each shape in the active layer by 90 degrees ``` var doc = [app activeDocument] var shapes = [[doc activeLayer] shapes] for(var i = 0; i < [shapes count]; i++) [(shapes[i]) rotate:90] ``` ## type ### _returns **String**_ Gets the type of this shape - _**"group"**_  

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