
### _subclass of (link: plugins/api/shape text: **Shape**)_ A path shape object.   _Path_ - (link: plugins/api/pathshape#path text: **path**) _Type_ - (link: plugins/api/pathshape#type text: **type**) ## path ### _returns (link: plugins/api/path text: **Path**)_; _settable_ Gets / Sets the path of the shape.   #### Example: sets a new path for the frontmost selected path shape ``` var doc = [app activeDocument] var shape = [[doc selectedShapes] lastObject] if([shape type] == "pathShape") { var path = [doc addPath] [path addMoveTo:CGPointMake(25, 150)] [path addLineTo:CGPointMake(75, 50)] [path addLineTo:CGPointMake(125, 150)] [path addClose] shape.path = path } ``` ## type ### _returns **String**_ Gets the type of this shape - _**"pathShape"**_  

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