
A path object. New paths can be created using a **Document's** (link: plugins/api/document#addPath text: **addPath**) function. The path of an existing (link: plugins/api/pathshape text: **PathShape**) can be modified, and new **PathShapes** can be created using a **Layer's** or **ShapeGroup's** (link: plugins/api/layer#addPathShape text: **addPathShape:**) function.   _Elements_ - (link: plugins/api/path#elements text: **elements**) _Appending Elements_ - (link: plugins/api/path#addMoveTo text: **addMoveTo:**) - (link: plugins/api/path#addLineTo text: **addLineTo:**) - (link: plugins/api/path#addCurveTocontrolPoint1controlPoint2 text: **addCurveTo: controlPoint1: controlPoint2:**) - (link: plugins/api/path#addQuadCurveTocontrolPoint text: **addQuadCurveTo: controlPoint:**) - (link: plugins/api/path#addClose text: **addClose**) _Bounds / Length_ - (link: plugins/api/path#bounds text: **bounds**) - (link: plugins/api/path#controlPointBounds text: **controlPointBounds**) - (link: plugins/api/path#length text: **length**) _Creating Copies_ - (link: plugins/api/shape#duplicate text: **duplicate**) ## addClose ### _returns (link: plugins/api/path#pathelement text: **PathElement**)_ Closes the current subpath. Returns the new path element object.   #### Example: create a rectangle path; the start and end points are linked by the final close element ``` var doc = [app activeDocument] var path = [doc addPath] var pnt = CGPointMake(20, 20) var size = CGSizeMake(100, 200) [path addMoveTo:CGPointMake(pnt.x, pnt.y)] [path addLineTo:CGPointMake(pnt.x + size.width, pnt.y)] [path addLineTo:CGPointMake(pnt.x + size.width, pnt.y + size.height)] [path addLineTo:CGPointMake(pnt.x, pnt.y + size.height)] [path addClose] [[doc activeLayer] addPathShape:path] ``` ## addCurveTo: controlPoint1: controlPoint2: ### _returns (link: plugins/api/path#pathelement text: **PathElement**)_; _input **CGPoint**_; _input **CGPoint**_; _input **CGPoint**_   Adds a cubic curve element to the path, with the destination point and two bezier control points. Returns the new path element object.   #### Example: create a teardrop path using a "curveTo" element ``` var doc = [app activeDocument] var path = [doc addPath] [path addMoveTo:CGPointMake(84, 144)] [path addCurveTo:CGPointMake(84, 144) controlPoint1:CGPointMake(12, 264) controlPoint2:CGPointMake(156, 264)] [path addClose] [[doc activeLayer] addPathShape:path] ``` ## addLineTo: ### _returns (link: plugins/api/path#pathelement text: **PathElement**)_; _input **CGPoint**_ Adds a line element to the path. Returns the new path element object.   #### Example: create a path of a sine wave using a series of lineTo elements ``` var doc = [app activeDocument] var path = [doc addPath] var increment = Math.PI * 2 / 100 var counter = 0 for(i = 0; i <= 2; i += 0.01) { x = i; y = Math.sin(counter) / 2 + 0.5 counter += increment if(i == 0) [path addMoveTo:CGPointMake(0, y * 100)] else [path addLineTo:CGPointMake(x * 200, y * 100)] } [[doc activeLayer] addPathShape:path] ``` ## addMoveTo: ### _returns (link: plugins/api/path#pathelement text: **PathElement**)_; _input **CGPoint**_ Begin a subpath at the passed-in point. Each path object must start with a moveTo element; moveTo elements added after the first element will begin new subpaths within the path object (creating a compound path). Returns the new path element object. ## addQuadCurveTo: controlPoint: ### _returns (link: plugins/api/path#pathelement text: **PathElement**)_; _input **CGPoint**_; _input **CGPoint**_ Adds a cubic curve element to the path, with the destination point and two bezier control points. Returns the new path element object. ## bounds ### _returns **CGRect**_ Gets the geometric bounding box of the path. ## controlPointBounds ### _returns **CGRect**_ Gets the bounding box that encloses all of the points in the path, including the control points. ## duplicate ### _returns (link: plugins/api/path text: **Path**)_ Creates and returns a duplicate of this path object. ## elements ### _returns **Array**_ Gets the array of elements in the path. ## length ### _returns **Float**_ Gets the length of the contour of the path.   # PathElement A path element object.   _Points_ - (link: plugins/api/path#anchorPoint text: **anchorPoint**) - (link: plugins/api/path#controlPoint1 text: **controlPoint1**) - (link: plugins/api/path#controlPoint2 text: **controlPoint2**) _Metrics_ - (link: plugins/api/path#elementLength text: **length**) - (link: plugins/api/path#elementSplit text: **split:**) _Removing_ - (link: plugins/api/path#elementRemove text: **remove**) _Type_ - (link: plugins/api/path#elementType text: **type**) ## anchorPoint ### _returns **CGPoint**_; _settable_ Gets / Sets the anchor point of the path element. ## controlPoint1 ### _returns **CGPoint**_; _settable_ Gets / Sets the first control point of the path element. _Note: only used by **curveTo** and **quadCurveTo** elements._ ## controlPoint2 ### _returns **CGPoint**_; _settable_ Gets / Sets the second control point of the path element. _Note: only used by **curveTo** elements._ ## length ### _returns **Float**_ Gets the length of the path element. ## remove Removes this element from the parent path. ## split: ### _returns **Array**_; _input **Float**_ Splits this element at the passed in value, _0-1_ designating the location along the element, creating two new elements. This element is removed from the parent path and replaced with the new returned elements. _Note: **"close"** elements can be split, but only if the start and end points of the subpath are not the same. In that case, this function will return three new elements: two **"lineTo"** elements linking the previous start/end points of the subpath, and a new **"close"** element. Calling this function on a **"moveTo"** element does nothing._   #### Example: split every element of each selected path shape's path at its midpoint ``` var doc = [app activeDocument] var shapes = [doc selectedShapes] for(var i = 0; i < [shapes count]; i++) { var shape = shapes[i]; if([shape type] == "pathShape") { var path = [shape path] var elements = [path elements] for(var j = 0; j < [elements count]; j++) { var element = elements[j] if([element type] != "moveTo") elements[j].split(0.5) } } } ``` ## type ### _returns **String**_; _settable_ Gets the type of this element - _**"moveTo"**_, _**"lineTo"**_, _**"curveTo"**_, _**"quadCurveTo"**_, or _**"close"**_  

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